Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
Stargate SG1: False Gods, False Religion
by JWchange inhas anyone watched this scifi series?
has it helped anyone wake up to ttatt?
i woke up many years ago, however this incredible series reinforces my beliefs about religion.
Coded Logic
Loved the show. Not really sure I see any parallels or anything that would've ever woken me up. -
What's with all the pyramids??
by Crazyguy inthe number of pyramids in the world just keep going up and up.
an egyptoligist thinks using satellite scanning technology he has found the remnants of another 17 pyramids in the egypt.
in central and south american they keep finding more pyramids and in java a couple of years ago they surmised that the riuns their was actually a step pyramid possible the oldest in the world.
Coded Logic
It is a fact that they cannot be duplicated using modern methods
Are you saying that we can't build pyramids today? What are you talking about?
Mercury, the element, has been found in large quantities in some of them.
Can you cite a credible source please?
Then look at some of the hieroglyphs that depict "energy beams".
Once again, can you cite a source? And how have you determined what is depicted is an energy beam? Doesn't that seem like the least likely explanation?
by brandnew inif getting ready means putting on a suit........ you might be a j.w.. if going out to the field has nothing to do with grass, baseball diamonds, or football ......... you might be a j.w.. please continue my friends.......i know ya got some.....; ).
Coded Logic
If you think your religion's publications from 30 years ago is now "apostate material" . . . you might be a JW. -
Do you have J-dar?
by JWdaughter intoday at work i had an interesting set of co workers.
one was telling us about her side job selling sex toys(also a l&d nurse).
the other one, very beautiful, intelligent woman told us of her 2 kids.
Coded Logic
J-dar? Hahahahahahaha! Omg, that's hilarious! -
Fudging the Numbers: Is the WTBTS in decline?
by Coded Logic init's no secret that the wtbts has a cash flow problem.
over the past three years they have closed 20 of their 116 branches.
they have sold off most of their properties in and around ny (including some kingdom halls), drastically reduced the # of printed pages for the watchtower and awake magazines, reduced the printing of books and other materials, increased the number of single page tract campagnes, installed cc machines at their assembly halls, and are now seizing of controll of property assets from local kingdom halls using renovation projects.
Coded Logic
Perhaps "decline" is too strong a word. How about a "decreasing influence"? -
How to be smarter
by Coded Logic in"- matt dillahunty.
i think that no person should ever feel held hostage by their own mental abilities.
because, for those of us who have the ability to read, we also have the mental abilities necessary to learn and understand effective methods for making determinations about reality.
Coded Logic
"I believe that there is an objective reality. And I believe there are truths that can be learned about that objective reality."
- Matt DillahuntyI think that no person should ever feel held hostage by their own mental abilities. Because, for those of us who have the ability to read, we also have the mental abilities necessary to learn and understand effective methods for making determinations about reality. For example:
Inference: the process of using observation and background knowledge to figure out what is most probably true.
1.) Induction: The process of taking what you know about one thing and applying it broadly to other similar things.
2.) Deduction: The process of taking what you know about many similar things and applying it to a single thing.
Consistency: Making sure that one conclusion doesn't contradict any other conclusions.
Validity: Having some objective way that a conclusion can be reached while also having standards of evidence high enough that don't let two or more contradictory conclusions arrive simultaneously.
Perception isn't the end of understanding our world. It's the very beginning. We take what we learn from our perceptions and then try to build models of reality from it. And the better cognitive tools we have at our disposal the better models of reality we'll be able to build.
We do this everyday. For example, this is how we can tell the difference between a memory of an event vs the memory of a dream. Because one will be consistent with what we know about reality and be anchored by past events - while the other may be inconsistent with reality and will not be substantiated by any surrounding events.
That is to say, while we "perceived" both reality and the dream - we can still tell them apart. Because perception doesn't determine what we think of reality. Our sense of reasoning does.
In the end, the validity of our reasoning is in its explanatory and predictive powers. If we're constantly baffled by the world around us and are consistently surprised by the events in our lives - then we may have a poor set of reasoning skills*. Whereas if we have an understanding of the world around us and are able to accurately forecast near future events - then we're probably practicing good epistemology.
I know that these tools have been invaluable in making me "smarter". I hope they can be of benefit to some of you too :)
*When I say "skill" I mean a learned ability honed with practice and effort. For example:
Metacognition: To think about thinking. To consider one's own thought process.
Mental Discipline: Training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties.
My Mother Died Two Weeks Ago
by Perry innone of my jehovah's witness relatives called to tell me or my family.
just found out this morning.
Coded Logic
I'm really sorry to hear that Perry. It's really messed up that they would treat you that way. -
The End Is Near...
by freemindfade inso we all know and are seeing that as the org is taking some kind of financial beating it is being interpreted, either by design or not, that armageddon is coming any second now.
well from our vantage point we can see the only end that may be near is for the publishing company itself, wtbts, and not the world.
its sickening to hear loved ones and friends say this, that this means the desert god is coming to wipe out most of humanity.
Coded Logic
Vidiot: "Would you settle for slow contamination from the toxic waste buried underneath?"
As in their false prophecies? Or their pedophile cover ups? Or do you mean the contamination of those who no longer buy their BS? I think the Society has been sitting on a heap of toxic waste for decades. Long before it ever thought of moving to Warwick.
. . .
Oh thank you God of Irony . . . for settling them on that poisonous mountain of nickel. May your bitch Karma be ever in their affairs.
Hey Simon
by ShirleyW ini'm noticing that when i open quite a few of the posts here i notice that the end of the sentences on some lines are breaking improperly.
like for the word paragraph, it's broken up with the "aph" on the next line for an example.
it's happening a lot i'm seeing it just about in every post i open, is it just my view and my computer?.
Coded Logic
I use chrome. I see it happening every once in awhile. -
The Monsters the WTBTS Created
by Coded Logic ingrowing up, the jws at the kingdom hall taught me that perfection is the only standard via which things can ever be measured.
"well yeah modern medicine is great - but it's pointless because they can't save everyone.
and they can't stop people from dying.
Coded Logic
Growing up, the JWs at the Kingdom Hall taught me that perfection is the only standard via which things can ever be measured. "Well yeah modern medicine is great - but it's pointless because they can't save EVERYONE. And they can't stop people from dying." - "The UN is utterly pointless because wars still happen . . . it doesn't matter how many wars they've prevented from happening." - "World leaders may have good intentions . . . but they can't fix everything they want too so, in the end, it's pointless to even care about them." etc. etc. etc.
Simultaneously, they manage to exercise breathtaking arrogance, "Oh don't mind us . . . we're just on a divine mission from God and busy fulfilling prophecy and all . . ."
But whenever someone points out they're not curing anyone any better than the doctors, or making any better on their promises than the World Leaders, or that they're not solving world issues any better than the United Nations - they cry foul. Special pleading - "But we're God's organisation (bought and paid for by you) and anyone who criticizes us is blind and stupid and mentally diseasesed . . ."
But what do they expect? They're the ones who created us critical little bastards. They're the ones who created us critical little Monsters :p
The difference is most doctors, world leaders, and the United Nations don't claim to be on a mission from God or be "beyond reproach". However, the Society does make such grand claims for itself.
They are worthy of being held to the standard they claim they uphold. It's not like we're extra critical of them simply because we're X-JWs. Rather, it's because they're so damned self righteous in the first place and they can't possibly live up to the standards they insist everyone else live up to.